Varicose vein, a painful condition characterized by thickening and enlarging of blood vessels in the legs, now has an efficient treatment. You can get full relief from varicose vein without laser treatment or surgery.
Varicose vein can be easily treated with Sidhan's Vericoil. It may take six months and up to 24 months for severe conditions for complete cure from this condition.
Apply the oil Four to Six times a day around the thickened veins – without applying heat. No need to wash the oil away. Leave it on the skin. Apply the oil at intervals of four to five hours. You only need to do this much if the veins haven't become ulcerous.
If the varicose veins are on the verge of breaking open, wounds will form. This will happen only if the varicose veins are about to break open.
Place a small piece of cloth on wound and take some oil on a small piece of cotton and apply it on the wound. The oil will pull the puss out of the wound. Replace the cotton as soon as it is full of puss. At first, the puss smells very bad. Continued use of the oil eliminates that smell in a matter of a few weeks.
The wound may appear larger than before because the puss and sedimentary substances are being removed. Once the toxic deposits are removed, the wound starts healing.